Monday, December 31, 2012

Preview of Fatale #11.

The new year begins with a double dose of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips' Fatale.  New readers can catch up in a hurry as Wednesday sees the release of the second trade paperback, "The Devil's Business," and the next issue in the noir-horror series.  Fatale #11 is the first of four stand-alone issues, and Comic Book Resources has just posted a five-page preview.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Warm Christmas Wishes from A Criminal Blog.

Brubaker and Phillips' Fatale didn't quite catch up with the original schedule, after all.  The original solictations had a December 19th release date for the 11th issue and the second trade paperback, "The Devil's Business" -- which would have been just in time for Christmas -- but the Image Comics website now lists January 2nd as the sale date.

The new year will begin with the collection of the most recent arc and the first of four stand-alone issues.  We'll link to any previews that we see, as we find them.

Until then, A Criminal Blog wishes everyone a very safe and happy holiday season.


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